7 Simple things to do during quarantine

Exercise in the morning

Exercising in the morning has helped me create a routine that I am able to stick to. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate intense workout. A good way to get used to exercising in the morning is to just simple go for walks. I’ve seen a lot of people walking more in the mornings now than before quarantine happened. I’ve also seen people start to take up yoga in the mornings. Just find something that works for you and something you will want to do every morning that will give you energy and start your day right.

Play animal crossing

Animal crossing has been a recent part of my daily routine. I used to play it in the morning when waking up just as a relaxing/meditative thing to do. Now I have a little more to do in the morning so I still find time during the day to play when I want to relax and unwind. It can be so relaxing that sometimes if I play in the late evening , I’m ready for bed afterwards.

Redecorate house

Many people have spent the last few months in the same environment which can get boring and a change of scenery is needed. If you have a little extra money to spend or you are creative you can find ways to spouse up your living room or bedroom. For me I started to redecorate my bedroom because I didn’t have time to fully decorate it before. I got new bedding, furniture, and diy’d wall art.

Start a new hobby

With the extra time that some of us have on our hands, we are able to do things we haven’t had the time to start beforehand. One of the new things we can take up is a hobby. Examples of hobbies include crafting, scrap booking, gardening or photography. These are all things that can be independent hobbies and are easy to do in the comfort of your own home or backyard.

Take a course online

During the quarantine , I took an online course with Yale University. Some top colleges are offering free online courses during this time. The course I took was called The Science of Well-being. I would recommend taking this course to anyone interested in the science of mental health especially during this time. https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being

Face time friends to stay connected

A lot of people have felt more alone in the past few months. One way to stay connected with your friends and family members would be to stay in touch as much as you can. So go ahead and face time the people you are close with. I’m sure it will put a smile on their face.

Self care to the next level

The last but one of the most important things you can do during this quarantine is to make sure to self care. Self care is so important for the well-being. A simple face mask or painting your nails can be stress reliever. Taking these actions can help make you feel better and in more control of your day.

I hope these 7 simple things can be added to make your day better during quarantine. Thank you!

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